About GHIS
The programme is open to anyone over 18 who has experienced health difficulties. If you are interested in receiving an application form, please contact us at the centre or download the application form.
We offer:
Our Courses
Our courses provide the opportunity to complete QQI certified modules in general education, and a variety of computer skills, from basic to advanced levels, in conjunction with career guidance and personal development support. The course duration can be up to two years.
Training is provided in small groups with one to one support where required. The programme is free for eligible participants.
The participants gets in-depth knowledge of Web Authoring, Computer Illustrated Graphics and Work Experience.
QQI 4 is a progression from QQI 3.The participant gets in-depth knowledge of ECDL (European Computer Driving License), Communications, Mathematics, Personal & Interpersonal Development, Digital Media Technology, Personal Effectiveness and Career Planning.
The first module for participants who have little knowledge of computers is 'Equalskills', followed by Word Processing, Internet Skills, Spreadsheets, Computer Literacy, Career Preparation, Communications, Application of Number, Health and Fitness and Self-Advocacy.
Progression to Education or Work
Each student has a two year period in GHIS to learn and develop new skills in a supported environment. They can use these skills to access Further Education or Higher Education or to enter employment.
The programme has a broad curriculum promoting health, well-being and recovery. Recovery is supported through a person centred approach, promoting inclusion and active citizenship.
How to apply
The application forms should to be completed by you and your family doctor/medical team and returned to the Centre Manager at the address below. An informal interview will be arranged to see if the service is suitable for you. You may be offered a sampling period of one to two weeks.
Hours of Service
Monday - Thursday: 8.30am - 4.00pm
Friday: 8.30am - 3:00pm
HSE Brú Chaoimhín Campus
EVE Building - GHIS
Cork St
Dublin 8
Contact Details
Phone: 01 4156801
Mobile: 0866656651
Email: ghis@eve.ie
Website: www.ghis.eu
Blog: www.blog.ghis.eu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eveghis
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BriannaChaiomh